Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sleepless in Acton!

Did you ever have one of those long nights where you wake up at 2:30 and just know you're not going to get back to sleep so you:
  • Make a tall cup of herbal tea
  • check your e-mail
  • peak in on your baby turtle to see if he's showing ANY signs of life
  • mentally make your to-do list
  • try to forget about the worry list
  • grab your glasses and pick out a book (like Kurt Vonnegut's "Jailbird")
And then...

Growing tired, you turn out the lights again; say around 5:00, but uneasy, you still don't shut your eyes that aren't yet used to what only seems like complete darkness.  So you lie there trying to make out some shadow past the open window whose curtains you drew back 2 hours before to let in some light and sound. You think you see a shadow emerge to distinguish the different shades of dark, but knowing that the senses fabricate images from experience, you doubt them at first.  But the shadow's contrast grows and more light creaps into the bedroom.  At this point you start waking up again; there are too many distractions in the room - light of all different colours appears - a tiny red light from the computer (you thought you'd covered all those annoying pin-points of laser red dots), the LED from the clock on the dresser, the purplish-black glow of Leonardo's terrarium light (that keeps his rock warm). 

Me neither...

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