July 3, 2010 - Sunny - hot and no responsibilities...
This morning I wasted time before my computer and felt no guilt for quite a while. That didn't last however. I drove in to Milton to get an overdue oil change - (not exciting but better than staying home and housecleaning!) Something accomplished! Yeah me! I kind of had it in the back of my mind to wander up the escarpment and check out Crawford Lake but not thinking about lunch when I left, I had to stop for food and water. A simple order of Greek salad and soda water at the Ivy Arms took a half hour to arrive but sitting in the sun with a good book, I had the patience of Job. It felt like my teen years when I would ditch school and wander around the city - in and out of book stores and museums, have lunch on my own and go ice skating!
Since I'd blown my time budget I just had a roam around Milton. I drifted along the old heritage streets - homes of the original settlers, now occupied by owners devoted to preserving the character of the past. I am dying to photograph them but refrain from it until I have a camera to do them justice! I did photograph the wooded pathway I eventually came to though...
Click here (right click and select "open in a new window") for photos...